We are aware that there are websites with our name being made offering items that we cannot get in stock for significantly lower prices. Please do not purchase from these websites. Not only are they taking your money, but they may get access to your credit card, paypal, etc. We do not offer online purchases so please call or email us to place an order.

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80 Below CLP2 is superior lubrication for all firearms, clay target traps & reloading equipment.

  • Penetrates, lubricates & protects.
  • Excels in dusty & dirty conditions!
  • Removes and prevents rust, wad & carbon fouling. 
  • Prevents dust & dirt from binding to moving parts, and easy to remove. 
  • Prevents galling & seizing of bushings and bearings.
  • 80 Below CLP2 is safe for all finishes on fine gunstocks — enhances & protects. 
  • No offensive odor.